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ayahuasca costa rica ceremony maloca



New Life Ayahuasca Costa Rica is a traditional ayahuasca retreat located in the tropical Blue Zone of the Northern Pacific. As the oldest operating ayahuasca retreat in Costa Rica, we have amassed a wealth of knowledge and expertise that has allowed us to carefully create an ayahuasca retreat that encompasses a balance of complimentary healing modalities, time for reflection, and community support.

Our comprehensive retreat experience includes traditional ayahuasca ceremonies, group sharing circles, Hatha yoga sessions, therapeutic massage, nutritious meals, beach trips, airport transfers and more. Our intention is to create a safe and supported space that nurtures honest self-reflection, personal healing, and growth. We believe that the combination of ayahuasca along with these additional therapies can facilitate deeply transformative experiences.

Our founders, Matt and Jeanae, have been working with plant medicine since 2014 and our values are rooted in the Peruvian Mestizo ayahuasca traditions. As students of the medicine for over a decade, they have completed many Master-plant dietas. Through these experiences, they have learned how to create and maintain a safe energetic container while singing traditional medicine songs called Icaros. Together, Matt and Jeanae can help you access and integrate the profound spiritual experiences and healing that ayahuasca offers.

From the moment you arrive, we do all we can to make the ayahuasca retreat Costa Rica feel warm and welcoming. We dedicate ourselves to helping our guests find a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in their lives. Ayahuasca can be a powerful tool for transformation, and it is our honor to share this medicine with others. By the end of the retreat, we are humbled to see the transformation of 14 strangers into a beautiful family built on unconditional love and respect.

We hope you will join us.


Our ceremonies are traditionally guided with Icaros by ayahuasqueros trained in Peru. We offer a  high facilitator to particiapnt ratio of approx 1:3 


Our groups become family. An intimate setting of 14 or less means we can provide individual attention to every participant both inside and outside the ceremony space.


Yoga practices for all skill levels that utilize queued breath work with intentional movement sequences. Sessions are 1 hour with 10 minutes of meditation.


An ayahuasca diet full of flavor. All meals are vegan and prepared with locally sourced, fresh fruits and vegetables using moderate amounts of salt and spices.


Walk the expansive sandy coastline or play in the waves. The ocean teaches us to observe and surrender to the ebs and flows of life and begin integrating.


Fires are kept every night of the retreat for purification. The fire circle is a place for quiet reflection after each ceremony, or a social area on the day between.


 One hour theraputic massage included offers an excellent opportunity to prepare for the experience or integrate in a tranquil, relaxing and non-verbal environment.

 We are located in one of the world's famous Blue Zone where people live longer and have lower rates of chronic diseases than the rest of the world population.


Integration starts here. The share circle safe place to process your experience with the group. We gather in the ceremonial space to share our experiences.


Pick up and Drop off airport shuttles are provided at designated times. We make the transition to our facility as easy and seamless as possible. 

ayahuasca maloca ceiling with geometric pattern

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tropical ayahuasca retreat pool and maloca



Immerse yourself in our tropical oasis.

Located in one of the 5 Blue Zones of the world, set against a backdrop of breathtaking tropical dry forest, New Life Ayahuasca Costa Rica’s eco cabinas invite you to indulge in the simplicity and beauty of nature.

​The ayahuasca Costa Rica retreat facility was designed to blend into the environment that surrounds it. Each of our 10 cabins was built with wood harvested directly from the 9-acre property. Our pool and cool water jacuzzi are nestled amongst local flora and fauna. We receive regular visits from macaws, howler monkeys, coatis, and iguanas.

The retreat at New Life Ayahuasca Costa Rica is a testament to the harmonious coexistence between comfort and ecological mindfulness, offering an unforgettable experience that honors the earth and rejuvenates the soul.

Luxury ayahuasca retreat Costa Rica offers a chance to retreat and rediscover yourself fully. Find serenity and inner peace and our wonderful ayahuasca costa rica retreat.


Ayahuasca Costa Rica


Matthew and Jeanae have been working with plant medicine since 2014. It was through ceremonial work that they met and where their love was forged.

Together they have been trained through a powerful lineage of healers in the Peruvian Mestizo traditions going back generations. Matthew and Jeanae are deeply dedicated to their path and continue to grow in their work by traveling to the Amazon every year and completing master plant dietas. These dietas allow them to connect with the great spirits and receive insightful teachings and medicine songs called Icaros. They use these tools and songs in the ceremonies to guide the participants through the ayahuasca experience.

Matthew possesses a strong intuition and is highly sensitive to energetic subtleties. These skills allow him to adapt the songs of the ceremony to meet the energy needs of the room. Jeanae has a very gentle and nurturing energy. Her singing and flute playing invite softness into the space. Matthew brings a grounded masculine energy while Jeanae brings a motherly feminine energy, creating a perfect balance and play between the two polarities.

To provide responsible ceremonies, we limit our ayahuasca retreat size to 14 participants so that the energetic space is maintained with respect to each individual's experience. We offer our ayahuasca Costa Rica retreat ceremonies in darkness, promoting an inward journey to heal the soul. Jeanae and Matthew are passionate about this work and lead each ceremony with love, compassion, and a desire to share the beauty of the sacred medicine with all who seek healing.

Ayahuasca Costa Rica is a great way to reconnect to yourself. New Life Ayahuasca Costa Rica Retreat offers traditional ayahuasca ceremonies in beautiful Costa Rica. We hope you will join us.

traditional ayahuasca shaman jeanae and matt



We limit space in every ayahuasca retreat to 14 participants. Keeping the groups intimate ensures that we are able to provide everyone with individualized attention and create an atmosphere that feels like family.

We also keep our groups small to ensure that we can manage the energetic container of each ceremony. Our retreats will never exceed 14 participants with a minimum of 4 facilitators: Our ayahuasqueros Matthew and Jeanae, who lead the ceremony along with 2 additional helpers.

We always have one female facilitator to assist the women and a male facilitator to assist the men.

The ayahuasca Costa Rica experience can bring up intense emotions and revelations. This often includes releasing traumas and confronting issues from the past. We want every guest to be able to truly get to know one another, share these intimate moments and forge bonds that will last lifetimes.

ayahuasca beach retreat



Attending an ayahuasca Costa Rica retreat is a journey of healing, an investment in not only oneself but in humanity as a collective whole. It allows us to release what no longer serves us, leading us down a life-path illuminated by self-love, respect, and harmonious living with nature. By having the courage to heal ourselves, we take control of the one aspect of life that is truly within our power. Through this healing process, we become an inspiration for others on their own journeys and as we work to align with the highest version of ourselves; we ripple the energy of healing, self-acceptance, and self-love to all those that surround us. When we live by example, healing traumas and breaking family cycles, the effects are transferred through generations to come. By taking the step to confront our own suffering, we contribute to a collective shift in consciousness toward a more compassionate, connected, and enlightened existence for all.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

– Gandhi

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