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Ingredients of herbal alternative medici

Holistic Medicines


Ever since the dawn of mankind, humans have used sacred medicine and plants for healing of the mind, body, and spirit. The use of plants as medicine predates written history, but in written record, the use of herbs dates back 5,000 years. The Sumerians had written record of plants and their uses, and the Egyptians had an extensive list of over 800 recorded plant medicines. Many ancient cultures who practiced the art of healing with plants had members of the village who were known as medicine men or shaman. Many shaman believe that each plant has a unique spirit that can be communicated with. At New Life Ayahuasca, we believe this to be true. Through our work with both iboga and ayahuasca we have felt the presence and personality of both their spirits and we have seen what incredible potential both of these unique plant medicines are capable of.


Both ibogaine and ayahuasca have been used in ceremonial settings in their respective origins for centuries or more. Each plant medicine has a set of traditions and ceremonial practices that surround their use. At New Life Ayahuasca, we strive to respect these traditions and proved as authentic an environment as possible when consuming these medicines. Learn more about the similarities and differences between ibogaine and ayahuasca.


Kambo is different from both ibogaine and ayahuasca in that it is not plant-based and it is not psychedelic, but it is another sacred medicine that has been used for thousands of years by the indigenous people of the Amazon and has its own incredible healing potential.





Ayahuasca is a brew with use originating in the Amazon, specifically Peru. Ayahuasca is consumed in a ceremonial setting, guided by a shaman. Each part of the ceremony has a specific purpose and aids in the spiritual journey. When consumed, ayahuasca produces both open and closed eyed visions pertaining to nature and the meaning of life. There is a diet associated with ayahuasca that is implemented to show respect for the medicine and spiritual process. Ayahuasca is used to aid in healing both physical and psychological disorders gaining recognition through out the West in treating depression, addiction and PTSD.



Iboga is a psychedelic derived from the root of the Tabernathe Iboga shrub. It is used as a sacrament by practitioners of Bwiti, a spiritual tradition originating in West Africa. Iboga is used as a rite of passage into adult hood and for communication with ancestors. Iboga, or more specifically, the derivative ibogaine, has more recently been praised for its ability to alleviate withdrawal symptoms from opiates and healing of the brain. This powerful plant medicine has since been gaining popularity in the West for its abilities in treating drug addiction and other conditions of the mind such as anxiety, depression and PTSD. It is traditionally consumed in a ceremonial setting

Frog shadow on the leaf


Kambo is a  is a natural non-psychedelic medicine made from the secretions of the Giant Monkey Tree Frog and is used to treat a variety of ailments. It is best known for its natural antibiotic, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory properties but is also used to address infections, depression, blood circulation, to cure pain and to boost the immune system. It acts a strong detoxification process and helps clear the body of energy blockages. Its use originated in the Northwestern Amazon in Columbia, Brazil and Peru but Kambo use has been growing in popularity in the West alongside other ancient medicines such as Ayahuasca and Iboga.

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