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Kambo Instuctions:
How to use Kambo
Never apply Kambo alone, always have someone with you. For safe administration and for effective results, follow the following instructions for Kambo application.
Our products are not intented to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with a doctor before using any of our products. Use care and caution when applying Kambo. Follow directions carefully and always start with less medicine (you can always add more).
Always ask if your participant has ever passed out, if yes, monitor closely and stay close.
Do not use Kambo if you have any history of heart disease
Do not use Kambo have ever had a stroke/heart attack.
Do not use Kambo if you have blood clotting disorders.
Do not use Kambo if you have high blood pressure.
Do not use Kambo if you are on medications.
First and foremost, set an intention for the experience. Kambo is a very difficult experience to go through so it is very important to have an intention that you can call to mind and draw strength from. For at least 3 days prior, avoid alcohol and illicit drugs. Then on the day of, prepare the body for Kambo administration by fasting for at least 8 hours.
When you are ready to begin, drink about 2 liters of water over the course of 15 minutes prior to application. This is one of the most difficult aspects of the experience. Drinking that much water will make you feel extremely full, but it is important to have a belly full of water to expel during the purge. 2 liters is a guideline, but listen to your body. If you are a small person, a little over one liter may be sufficient.
Add a few drops of water to the Kambo stick (if you dip your fingers in water and hold them over the stick and let about 5 drops fall onto the stick that should be enough to start). Using medium pressure scrape the top layer of the stick with a flat blade knife (no serrated edge) a few times back and forth until you begin to see the medicine appear. You may need to add a few more drops of water at a time until you get the right consistency. You only need to apply a little bit of pressure with the knife for the scraping process. At first, it can be a bit liquidy but the more you scrape the thicker the texture will become. When the medicine begins to take on the form and texture of a booger, it is ready for application.
Use a stick of incense to make 1- 5 quick superficial burns on the skin. Be sure to blow on the incense between each burn to ensure the stick is hot. You do not have to burn the skin deeply or hold the incense on for you long. Only a quick tap is sufficient. After you have made the burns, use a tissue and some cold water to wipe away the top layer of the burned skin off to expose the fresh skin underneath which should appear as small white circles. You MUST clear the burned skin away for the medicine to enter the system.
Go back to your stick and you should have the lump of medicine. Add 1 drop of water to be sure the medicine is sufficiently wet (it must be moist to be active) and divide it into smaller balls just large enough to cover the size of the burns (about the size of a match head). For the first time, you should only apply medicine to one burn to test your sensitivity. After about 2-5 minutes you can add 1-2 more points depending on how intensely you feel the first point. After a few times of using Kambo, you can get an idea of how sensitive you are and can adjust your dose accordingly for future sessions.
Remember, every stick of Kambo can vary in intensity and with each new stick its a good practice to start with 1 point, regardless of your level of experience.
Effects once applied:
Once the medicine is applied, you should feel the effects within 30 seconds to 1 minute. The intensity will continue to build, with the peak of the experience should be right around 5-8 minutes. That is typically when the purging begins. For most people the purge typically comes in the form of vomiting but can also come as bottom purging (pooping). If you need to get up during the experience to use the bathroom, make sure that your sitter helps you up and walks with you slowly. Kambo can cause your blood pressure to drop so if you stand up too quickly you can get lightheaded or even pass out so make sure you have someone by your side to support you.
These are a list of things that are typical to experience during Kambo so you have an idea of what to expect:
heat at the application site
heat that spreads through the whole body
feeling flushed in the face
minor swelling of the lips and throat
feeling a lot of pressure in the head
feeling very heavy / sinking into the ground
dizziness - in extreme cases passing out
a feeling of electricity in the hands a feet
temporary loss of mobility and or/ clenching in the hands/fingers
All symptoms should subside within 5 - 10 minutes of removing the medicine.
Remove the Medicine:
When you start the experience check the time or start a stopwatch. The medicine can be left on for up about 25 minutes or until it begins to dry out. Once it is dry, it is inactive. You can remove the medicine using a damp tissue or towel and seal the burns with 'sangre de drogo' / 'dragons blood'.
If at any point during the process, you experience extreme sweating, pain in the extremities or feel lightheaded, remove the medicine immediately. Once you have removed the medicine, stay sitting or lay down for another 15-20 minutes until you feel completely back to normal. Always wash yours after handling Kambo and be sure not to touch your eyes after you have handled the medicine.
Please send us an email if you have any questions.
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